2016 Club Show Results & Critiques

Yorkshire Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
(Sponsored by Royal Canine )
Longridge Civic Hall ,Preston
Saturday 24th Sept 2016
Judge: Mrs Jena Tuck (Nettleby)
Dogs: 156 (plus 2NFC) Entries:176
BEST IN SHOW: Karison Kosta (Miss K Johnson)
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW : Tojomatt Moriaty (Mr D & Mrs A Matthews)
RES BIS & BOS:Tarkaswell Doctor's Orders JW (Mrs C Sansom)
DOG CC: Karison Kosta (Miss K Johnson)
RES DOG CC: Ch Cobstoneway River Magic JW ShCM (Miss C Spencer)
BEST DOG PUP: Tojomatt Moriaty (Mr D & Mrs A Matthews)
BITCH CC: Tarkaswell Doctor's Orders JW (Mrs C Sansom)
RES BITCH CC: Ch Southash Blue Betty Boo Gameway JW (Mrs P Clark)
BEST BITCH PUP: Ploughdown Paloma (Dr M & Mrs E Armstrong)
BEST VETERAN:Ch Cobstoneway River Magic JW ShCM (Mrs C Spencer)
Minor puppy dog
Entries: 6 Ab: 2
1st Tojamatt Moriarty (Mr D & Mrs A Matthews) BEST DOG PUPPY & BEST PUPPY IN SHOW
2nd Cedarhill Ghost Writer (Mrs M Fleming)
3rd Oxcroft Jethro (Mr J Price)
Res Stowthorney Renegade (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green)
Puppy Dog
Entries: 3 Abs: 0
1st Bardenfox Licence To Kill (Mr I & Mrs J Broomhead)
2nd Bardenfox A View To Kill (Mr I & Mrs J Broomhead)
3rd Terabyte Two Tone (Mr K Green)
Junior Dog
Entries: 7 Abs: 2
1st Lairehope Highland Chief Of Tweedburn (Mrs C Archibald)
2nd Hawcoat Mr Fixit (Mrs E J & Miss R C Larner)
3rd MySulan Going Solo (Mrs S J Baxter)
Res Earthdog Outspoken (Mr D Pearson & Ms A Towers)
VHC Chorbeck Chatty Man JW (Mrs H Haughton)
Yearling Dog
Entries: 8 Abs: 2
1st Karison Kosta (Miss K Johnson) DOG CC & BEST IN SHOW
2nd Tyneaster Special Agent (Mrs V Atkinson)
3rd Otterpaws Muninn (Mr & Mrs G Birrel)
Res Tyneaster Dark Agent (Mrs S F Gill)
VHC Brumborder Willow Balm (Dr M A Mccall & Ms L Britton)
Novice Dog 3-0
1st Tyneaster Dark Agent (Mrs S F Gill)
2nd Stowthorney Renegade (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green)
3rd Show Stopper Reggie Boy
Post Graduate Dog
Entries: 6 Abs: 3
1st Rhozzum Gwilym (Mrs M Sharp)
2nd Tyneaster Special Agent (Mrs V Atkinson)
3rd Keebank Charlie's Diamond (Mrs L Keeffe)
Limit Dog
Entries: 16 Abs: 3
1st Cedarhill Once Upon a Time (Mrs C Dean)
2nd Ridgebow Rifleman JW (Mr N & Mrs A Duxbury)
3rd Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM (Mrs H A Metcalfe)
Res Raleniro Second Time Around (Mr M J & Mrs D A Lorraine & Miss P Thomas)
VHC Otterwood Caius JW ShCM (Mr M J & Mrs J M Hollingsbee)
Open Dog
Entries: 9 Abs: 2
1st Gameway Mcvitie JW (Mrs P Clark)
2nd - Ch Tojamatt Warlord (Mr & Mrs D Matthews)
3rd Ch Badgerholme Epsom Jet JW ShCM (Mr B Dickinson & Miss T James )
Res Benattivo Betfred (Mrs S J & Mr C P Girling)
VHC Hawcoat Lord George (Mrs E J & Miss R C Larner)
Special Beginners Dog
Entries: 5 Abs: 1
1st Cedarhill Stargazer JW ShCM (Miss A Speake & Mr H Speake)
2nd Tyneaster Special Agent (Mrs V Atkinson)
3rd Otterpaws Muninn (Mr & Mrs G Birrel)
Res Show Stopper Reggie Boy
Veteran Dog
Entries: 9 Abs: 1
1st Ch Cobstoneway River Magic JW ShCM (Miss C Spencer) RES DOG CC
2nd - Ch Lairehope Lord of the Glen At Tweedburn (Mrs C Archibald)
3rd - Ch Irton Up Helly Aa (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer)
Res Ruelata Acrobat At Redfox (Mr & Mrs D B Marr)
VHC Borderella Day Tripper JW ShCM (Mrs P South)
Minor Puppy Bitch
Entries: 17 Abs: 3
1st Ploughdown Paloma (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong) BEST BITCH PUPPY
2nd Tojamatt Make Believe (Mr D & Mrs A Matthews)
3rd Oxcroft Damsel (Mr J Price)
Res Oxcroft Contradiction (Miss J Price)
VHC Oxcroft Damson Of Glenorchy (Mrs M Davies)
Puppy Bitch
Entries: 4 Abs: 0
1st Foxpaw Revelation (Mr P & Mrs H Fulker)
2nd Witch Way to Thorneyhurst (Mrs L Illingworth)
3rd Terabyte Dawnanna At Blaisdon (Mr J N & Miss A J Thomas)
Res Bardenfox Octopussy (Mr I & Mrs J Broomhead)
Junior Bitch
Entries: 13 Abs: 4
1st Charlie's Copycat Via Otterbobs (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin)
2nd Benattivo Fire Flower (Mrs S J & Mr C P Girling)
3rd Chorbeck Gossip Girl At Blackmine JW (Miss T James & Mrs M Render)
Res Hawcoat Ugogirl (Mrs E J & Miss R C Larner)
VHC Brackenfell Jitter Bug At Dassett (Mrs S Spafford)
Yearling Bitch
Entries: 8 Abs: 0
1st Picer Flora Mcivor JW (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)
2nd Brankell Double Or Quits JW (Mr P Brannan & Miss M Kelly)
3rd Otterwood Domina Candesco JW (Mr M J & Mrs J M Hollingsbee)
Res Brumborder's Birthday Girl (Mrs P Clark & Mrs I M Southam)
VHC Karison Kappuccino (Miss K Johnson)
Novice Bitch
Entries: 10 Abs: 4
1st Ragatam Step In Time (Miss T Peacock)
2nd Southash Finding Bliss (Mr J & Mrs I M Southam)
3rd Keebank Withy Song (Mrs L Rostron)
Res Northborders Lady Mary (Mrs J North)
VHC Kenquartz Take A Bow (Mr R & Mrs H Rowland)
Post Graduate Bitch
Entries: 14 Abs: 6
1st Raleniro New Rose (Mr M J & Mrs D A Lorraine)
2nd Brackenfell I Go To Pieces (Mrs T.J. & Miss C.A. Lister)
3rd Earthdog Kidnap (Mr D Pearson)
Res Caznray Just A Mystery From Thornheswin (Mr J C Dixon)
VHC Keenans Charlie's Cracker
Limit Bitch
Entries: 14 Abs: 4
1st Tarkaswell Doctor's Orders JW (Mrs C Sansom) BITCH CC, RES BIS & BOS
2nd Remony Frosted Ivy JW (Mrs A Gregory)
3rd Picer Angelica to Nottorg ShCM (Mr P & Mrs A Taylor)
Res Ploughdown Persephone (Miss C Spencer)
VHC Borderxpress Miss Potter (Mr R Wright)
Open Bitch
Entries: 13 Absentees: 3
1st Cedarhill Wish Upon a Star JW (Mrs C Dean)
2nd Picer Aimee Vilbert JW (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering)3rd Otterbobs Xolana (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin)
Res Mansergh Plusfours (Miss A Roslin-Williams)
VHC Ellhex Dizzie Miss Lizzie (Mr D & Mrs M Render)
Special Beginners Bitch
Entries: 6 Abs: 3
1st Picer Angelica to Nottorg ShCM (Mr P & Mrs A Taylor)
2nd Raleniro New Rose (Mr M J & Mrs D A Lorraine)
3rd Brackenfell I Go To Pieces (Mrs T.J. & Miss C.A. Lister)
Veteran Bitch
Entries: 5 Abs: 0
1st Ch Southash Blue Betty Boo Gameway JW (Mrs P Clark) RES BITCH CC
2nd Int/Am/Can Ch,Ch Sulan Fancy That (Mrs S J Baxter)
3rd Hollowmoor Casilva
Res Irton Polka (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer)
VHC Denton Polly (Nelson)
CRITIQUE Championship Show.
Saturday 24th September 2016 Judge: Mrs Jena Tuck (Nettleby)
Show Critique: I would like to thank the Committee of the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge this very enjoyable and well run show. It was an honour and pleasure. In the ring I was very ably assisted by my two capable stewards Ian and Bridget, who I would like to thank. The hospitality of the Club was second to none I had a truly wonderful day. Thanks must go to the exhibitors, who allowed me to go over their dogs. The depth of quality was remarkable and some very good exhibits had to go cardless. I was delighted by my main winners, thank you again for giving me the pleasure of judging them. I chose the dog as BIS because he had that extra attitude and showmanship.
Minor Puppy – Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st Tojamatt Moriarty (Mr & Mrs D Mathews) An extremely well balanced typical 7 month old grizzle puppy, very good head neat ear placement good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, level topline and tailset. Good front and hind angulation in very good coat and pelt, moved very well. Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Cedarhill Ghost Writer (Mrs M Fleming) Not so narrow in front as one, with a good head, not in such good pelt or coat as the winner. Preferred the overall balance of one.
3rd Oxcroft Jethro (Mr J Price) Nicely balanced narrow dog, with a lovely front, good head with a strong bite, just needed to settle on the move. Res Stowthorney Renegade (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green)
Puppy Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Bardenfox Licence To Kill (Mr I & Mrs J Broomhead) A good sized puppy, with a good front, in good coat, and pelt, with a typical head and dark eye, level topline with a good tailset, well balanced throughout, moved well.
2nd Bardenfox View to Kill (Mr I & Mrs J Broomhead) Litter brother to the above, similar qualities, lacked in coat on the day.
3rd Terabyte Two Tone (Mr K Green) A blue and tan, built on rangier lines than the two above, Good front and topline, up to size just needed to settle on the move.
Junior Dog Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st Lairehope Highland Chief of Tweedburn (Mrs C Archibald) A very neat typical dog, with an excellent head and strong jaw, well set ears, good coat and pelt, neat front into well laid shoulders, level topline and a well set tail. Easy span, moved very well. In good condition.
2nd Hawcoat Mr Fixit (Mrs E J & Miss R C Larner) Balanced throughout and moved well, not so mature in head as one, and front not quite so well constructed.
3rd Mysulan Going Solo (Mrs S J Baxter) A well balanced blue and tan dog with a strong head, with a straight front, good reach of neck and strong loin, with a correct topline.
Yearling Dog Entries: 8 Absentees; 2
1st Karison Kosta (Miss K Johnson) Extremely striking, typical border well balanced throughout. A handsome typical head with dark eye a strong jaw and neat ears. Good reach of neck into very well laid shoulders, super front angulation, with neat feet. An easy span. Level topline and a strong loin, racy hind quarters with a very good tail set. Moved very well both ends. In superb condition with a very good coat and pelt. I was delighted to award him the dog CC and Best in Show.
2nd Tyneaster Special Agent (Mrs V Atkinson) Nicely balanced throughout, failed in front to the above, good coat, tailset a little low.
3rd Otterpaws Muninn (Mr & Mrs G Birrel) A typical grizzle dog, with nice balance throughout.
Novice Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Tyneaster Dark Agent (Mrs S F Gill) A Blue and tan dog, with a good rib and in good coat.
2nd Stowthorney Renegrade (Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green ) A little on the rangey side for me, dark grizzle dog with a nice topline.
3rd Show Stopper Reggie Boy (Mr M Scott) A very good pelt and coat with a nice topline and tailset, a little too well covered due to a novice owner.
Post Graduate Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 3
1st Rhozzum Gwilym ( Mrs M Sharp) A very narrow fronted blue and tan dog, massive teeth set in a strong jaw with typical head, good neck into well laid shoulders, an easy span. Good balance throughout, with correct tailset.
2nd Tyncaster Special Agent (Mrs V Atkinson)
3rd Keebank Charlie’s Diamond (Mrs L Keefe) Very good pelt and coat just preferred the front of the other two. Nice topline and well set tail.
Limit Dog Entries: 16 Absentees: 3 A quality class of dogs, very close decision between the top three.
1st Cedarhill Once Upon a Time ( Mrs C Dean) A very typical dog, with a super head, massive teeth in a strong jaw. Good front and hind angulation, very good topline and tailset, in superb coat and pelt, an easy span. Moved well, with drive. In the final decision just preferred the overall length and balance of the CC and RCC winner. A close call.
2nd Ridgebow Rifleman (Mr N & Mrs A Duxbury) Another very typical grizzle dog, with a lovely head, good front, more knuckle than one. Good topline, super pelt and coat, nicely balanced, just preferred the hind angulation of one.
3rd Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor ShCM (Mrs H A Metcalfe) Another quality grizzle dog, well balanced, with a good coat and pelt, very neat in front.
Open Dog Entries: 9 Absentees: 2 Another very good class of top quality dogs.
1st Gameway Mcvitie JW (Mrs P Clark) A very narrow typical grizzle dog, with a good balance, well constructed front and hind angulation, with a good topline, ok tailset.
2nd CH Tojamatt Warlord (Mr & Mrs D Mathews) A handsome, typical dog, with correct front angulation going into well set shoulders, with a good topline and tailset, in good coat and pelt, easy span.
3rd CH Badgerholme Epsom Jet JWShCM ( Mr B Dickinson & Miss T James) Longer throughout than the previous two, with a lovely front angulation and topline, a longer cast of head. Not in such good coat on the day.
Special Beginners Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st Cedarhill Stargazer JW ShCM ( Miss A Speake & Mr H S Speake) Red grizzle dog with a typical head, hard topcoat, a very workman like dog.
2nd Tyneaster Special Agent (Mrs V Atkinson)
3rd Otterpaws Muninn (Mr & Mrs G Birrel)
Veteran Dog Entries: 9 Absentees: 1 What a quality class.
1st CH Cobstoneway River Magic JW ShCM (Miss C Spencer) A beautiful and typical dog very well balance, huge teeth set in a very strong jaw, correct ear placement in a superb head. A very good front, super shoulders and an amazing coat and pelt. Loved his length and overall balance. I was very pleased to award him the RCC and Best Veteran in Show. A very worthy Champion.
2nd CH Lairehope Lord of the Glen At Tweedburn (Miss C Archibald) Another lovely dog, with good front and hind angulation, super length and balance. Just preferred the head of one. Nitpicking.
3rd CH Irton Up Helly As (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer) A worthy Champion, a tad rangier than the previous two, and not quite their front angulation.
Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 17 Absentees: 3 A very promising class.
1st Ploughdown Paloma (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong) A very striking 6 month pup, very narrow front with a typical feminine head, very thick light grizzle coat, with a very thick pelt. Easy span, correct balance throughout, very good hind angulation, moved very well. Delighted to award her Best Puppy Bitch in Show.
2nd Tojamatt Make Believe (Mr & Mrs D Mathews) Similar throughout to 1, although not quite the front of the above, or her litter brother. Good topline, and tailset, correct coat and pelt.
3rd Oxcroft Damsel (Mr J Price) A very narrow, blue and tan puppy, with a super head, lovely front, just wants to settle on the move.
Puppy Bitch Entrees: 4 Absentees: 0
1st: Foxpaw Revelation ( Mr P & Mrs H Fulker) A neat grizzle pup, with a very feminine head, good front, good reach of neck into correct shoulders, a level topline, good coat, moved well an easy span.
2nd Witch Way to Thorneyhurst ( Miss L Illingworth) An 11 month old grizzle, a little wider in front angulation than one, good hind angulation and typical throughout.
3rd Terabyte Dawnanna At Blaisdon ( Mr J N & Miss AJ Thomas) Very narrow fronted pup, with a typical feminine head, good rear angulation, lacked in coat today.
Junior Bitch Entries: 13 Absentees: 4
1st Charlie’s Copycat Via Otterbobs (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin) A beautiful very narrow bitch, she excelled for type. Keen expression with dark eye. Lovely balance throughout, strong loin, good backend and topline, lovely neck going into well laid shoulders, unfortunately out of coat on the day.
2nd Benattivo Fire Flower ( Mrs S J & Mr C P Girling) Another first class bitch, good balance throughout, strong head, good front with neat feet. Good topline, moved well behind, just preferred the overall length of one.
3rd Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine (Miss T James & Mrs M Render) A quality bitch in excellent coat and pelt and condition, slightly larger throughout than the previous two.
Yearling Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees:0
1st Picer Flora Mcivor JW (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering) A blue and tan. very well balanced throughout, correct size, slightly better constructed in front than two, typical head, in very good coat and pelt. Correct hind angulation and tail set. Neat feet. Moved well.
2nd Brankell Double Or Quits (Mr P Brannan & Miss M Kelly) Grizzle bitch, loved her head, correct ear set, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, easy span, good hind angulation and tail set. In very good coat and pelt. A very close decision.
3rd Otterwood Domina Candesco JW ( Mr M J & Mrs J M Hollingsbee) Another very well balanced bitch, slightly larger than previous two, and preferred the head type of the two above.
Novice Bitch Entries: 10 Absentees: 4
1st Ragatam Step in Time (Miss T Peacock) Blue and tan bitch, in good coat, with a correct front and level topline and tailset, in good coat.
2nd Southash Finding Bliss (Mr J & Mrs I M Southam) A very typical, neat grizzle bitch, coat on the blow.
3rd Keebank Withy Song (Mrs L Rostron) Grizzle bitch with a good front, ok in head, tight coat, good hind angulation, good tailset.
Postgraduate Bitch Entries: 14 Absentees: 6
1st Raleniro New Rose (Mr M J & Mrs D A Lorraine) A blue and tan bitch, with a super head and very strong jaw, in full coat which didn’t disguise her overall quality. A good front and good topline, hind angulation and tailset.
2nd Brackenfell I Go To Pieces (Mrs T J & Miss C A Lister) Bigger throughout than one, a correct front, a tad plainer in head than the above, with a good topline and tailset. OK hind angulation.
3rd Earthdog Kidnap (Mr D Pearson) Grizzle bitch, good head, with a nice balance, failed behind to the two above.
Limit Bitch Entries: 14 Absentees: 4 What a superb class, the best of the day. I was spoilt for in depth quality, any of those below are CC material in my opinion.
1st Tarkaswell Doctor’s Orders JW (Mrs C E Sansom) Oused type and quality, the correct size and balance, easily spanned. A grizzle bitch with a very typical femimine head, not exaggerated in any way. A correctly angulated and narrow front, lovely head, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders. A good topline and tailset, good front and hind movement. Neat feet. I was very pleased to award her the CC, and for BIS it was a close decision. The dog pipped her on the day, with his presence and superb masculine head. What a pair.
2nd Remony Frosted Ivy JW (Mrs A Gregory) Hard decision on the day, I just preferred the overall balance of the winner and her stunning head. No denying the very obvious quality of this young lady though, lovely conformation, typical head with a keen dark eye, in very good condition, movement, coat and pelt of the best, tightest of feet, a very close decision.
3rd Picer Angelica to Nottorg SHCM (Mr P & Mrs A Taylor) The same comments apply, absolutely top class, three superb bitches.
Open Bitch Entries: 13 Absentees: 3
1st Cederhill Wish Upon a Star (Mrs C Dean) Very well balanced throughout, not overdone in anyway. Very neat typical head, with a good topline and tailset, with good front and hind angulation, easy span.
2nd Picer Aimee Vilbert JW (Mr G & Mrs S Pickering) A larger bitch throughout, with a super head, topline and hind angulation. Coat on the blow, on the day.
3rd CH Otterbobs Xolana (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin) A very typical bitch with a strong head and a good front, in very good condition, the other two had slightly more typical heads for me. Three lovely bitches.
Special Beginners Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 3
1st Picer Angelica to Nottorg ShCM (Mr P & Mrs A Taylor)
2nd Raleniro New Rose (Mr M J & Mrs D A Lorraine)
3rd Brackenfell I Go To Pieces (Mrs T J & Miss C A Lister)
Veteran Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 0 A Lovely class
1st CH Southash Blue Betty Boo Gameway (Mrs P Clark) A blue and tan bitch with a superb head, front, lovely reach of neck going into well laid shoulders, good topline and tailset, strong loin, superb balance and excellent coat and pelt. I was delighted to award her RCC and Best Veteran Bitch in Show.
2nd Int/Am/can CH Sulan Fancy That (Mrs S J Baxter) A very typical grizzle, with a lovely balance, shorter throughout than one. With a good front, topline, tailset and hind angulation, in very good coat and pelt.
3rd Hollowmoor Casilva (Mrs A D Williams) A grizzle bitch with a good topline and tailset, with good angulation at the front and the rear. What an impressive coat and pelt.
Saturday 20th March 2016
Yorks Lancs & Ches BTC Open Show.
Sat 19th March 2016
Judge; Stewart Golding (Beaconpike)Dog: 79 (+2 NFC) . Entries 98
Best in Show: Karison Kosta
Best Puppy In Show : Chorbeck Chattyman
BOS: Ellhex Dizzie Miss Lizzie
Best Dog: Karison Kosta ( Johnson)
Res Best Dog; Ycart Earth Stopper (Fraser & Butler)
Best Dog Puppy: Chorbeck Chattyman (Hazel Houghton)
Best Bitch: Ellhex Dizzie Miss Lizzie (Rendar & Bean)
Res Best Bitch:Brankell Double of Quits (Brannon & kelly)
Best Bitch Puppy: McBrock Chantilly Chateau (McDowell)
Best Veteran: Ragatam Equaliser via Ycart (Fraser Butler))
Minor Puppy Dog: 4-2
1: Blaisdon Bow Brilliant 2: Merumhor Northern Sole at Paleside
Puppy Dog: 4-1
1: Chorbeck Chattyman 2: Imperterrito Alter Ego 3: McBrock Court Jester
Junior Dog:4 -0
1: Karison Kosta 2: Chorbeck Chattyman 3: Ridgebow Tracker Res: Otterpaws Muninn
Novice Dog: 4-0
1: Chorbeck Chattyman 2: Otterpaws Muninn 3: McBrock Court Jester Res: Markington Apollo
Post Grad Dog:7 -1
1: Oxcroft Freelander 2: Carrick Carnegie 3: Stowthorney Mr Tickle Res: Otterpaws Muninn VHC: Markingtom Apollo
Limit Dog:6 -2
1: Ridgebow Rifleman 2: Oxcroft Richie 3: Breckgreen Soldier Blue Res: Stineval Napoleon
Open Dog: 7-1
1: Ycart Earth Stopper 2: Grettacs The Wizard ShCM 3: Kosmic Sun over Karison Res: Otterwood Caius JW ShCM VHC: Stowthorney Swinging Sam ShCM
Minor Puppy Bitch: 2-1
1: Brackenfell Jitterbug at Dassett
Puppy Bitch:4 -1
1: McBrock Chantilly Chateau 2: Holdenelms Lady Alice via Ycart 3: Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
Junior Bitch: 8-2
1: Brankell Double of Quits 2: Otterpaw Firebird 3: Otterwood Domina Candesco res: Diggsad Dizzy Dizzy Dora VHC: Breckgreen Song Sung Blue
Novice Bitch: 5-3
1: Brankell Double of Quits 2: Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
Post Grad Bitch: 17-8
1: Ellhex Dizzie Miss Lizzie 2: Borderxpress Miss Potter 3: Byrewick Valentine res: Otterpaw Firebird VHC: Otterwood Domina Candesco
Limit Bitch: 8 -1
1: Peakrunner Follow My Dreams 2: Foxcraig Magic Diamond 3: Grindvald Over the Moon res: Byrewick Princess Kate VHC: McBrock Miss Amelia
Open Bitch: 4-1
1: Ch Benattivo Best Bet Karison 2: Foxcraig Touch Of magic for Dexlin 3: Vallemoss Drama Queen via SaxHeath
Special Beginners dog/bitch: 7-1
1: Peakrunner Follow My Dream 2: Foxcraig Magic Diamond 3: Wings Of Speed at Otterpaws res: Picer Angelica to Notterg ShCM VHC: Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor
Veteran Dog /Bitch: 6-3
1: Ragatam Equaliser 2: Foxfinder Becky 3: Karison Kasper
Yorkshire,Lancashire&Cheshire Border Terrier Club
19.03.2016 Judges Critique
Firstly I would like to thank the club for inviting me to judge my first BTC open show. Special thanks to the committee and members for a lovely show and exhibitors for my entry, thank you to my ring stewards Graham Richardson and Bridget Singh for keeping things running smoothly. I was very happy with all my placings. I had some tough decisions and some placings on another day could easily change place. All dogs were entire and I was pleased to see many dogs shown in correct double coat. On a negative note I had two exhibits with teeth out of line and a few level bites although acceptable a scissor bite is preferable. As the first line of the breed standard states essentially a working terrier personally I would like to see more dogs in fitter harder condition fit for purpose.
Minor Puppy Dog 4 (2absent)
1st Mr & Mrs J N & A J Thomas, BLAISDON BOW BRILLIANT- Blue and tan dog up to size good otter head narrow throughout, shown in good coat, moved well.
2nd Mr&Mrs D Mitchell, MERUMHOR NORTHERN SOLE AT PALESIDE Grizzle and tan dog with nice head and ears shown in full double jacket, standing on nice neat feet, moved ok.
Puppy Dog 4 (1absent)
1st Mrs H Haughton, CHORBECK CHATTYMAN Grizzle and tan dog with good head and strong muzzle, good lay of shoulder with narrow front, good length of rib shown in good coat, he moved out well pleased to award him to Best Puppy in Show.
2nd A Bekker , IMPERTERRITO ALTER EGO Grizzle and tan dog another nice pup he has good head with good reach of neck on good shoulders, nice front and good strong back end moved ok.
Junior Dog 4 (0 absent)
1st Miss K Johnston , KARISON KOSTA Grizzle and tan dog with nice otter head with strong muzzle and big teeth, nice ears good reach of neck and good shoulders with narrow front, he was standing on good feet with thick pads, he has good length of body good strong back end shown in good coat, moved well with ease around the ring, pleased to award him Best in Show.
2nd Mrs H Haughton , CHORBECK CHATTYMAN (1st in puppy dog)
Novice Dog 4 (0 absent)
1st Mrs H Haughton , CHORBECK CHATTYMAN (1st in puppy dog)
2nd Mr & Mrs G Birrell , OTTERPAWS MUNINN . Grizzle and tan dog just out of puppy, narrow throughout with good length, still needs to mature.
Post Graduate Dog 7 (1absent) A close decision between the top 3 which on another day could easily swap places.
1st Miss J Price, OXCROFT FREELANDER Blue and tan dog with the most excellent otter head with strong muzzle and big teeth, good neck and shoulders with nice narrow front, good length of body and good rib easily spanned, showed in good coat with super pelt he was standing on neat feet with thick pads, once settled moved out well.
2nd Ms Judith Fawcett , CARROCK CARNEGIE- Light grizzle and tan dog, another nice dog he has nice expression, good neck and shoulders with good length of body, shown in full good coat with excellent pelt, moved well, close decision for first place.
Limit Dog 6 (2 absent)
1st Mr & Mrs N &A Duxbury , RIDGEBOW RIFLEMAN Grizzle and tan nice sized dog with good head with big teeth, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, shown in good coat with thick pelt, moved well.
2nd Jack Price , OXCROFT RITCHIE Grizzle and tan dog with lovely otter head with correct bite, good front and narrow throughout, good length of body with flat rib, good coat and pelt moved ok.
Open Dog 7 (1absent)
1st Mr Ken Fraser & Tracy Butler , YCART EARTH STOPPER Blue and tan handy size dog with nice typey head with big teeth with correct bite, good reach of neck with good shoulders nice front and good length of body, narrow throughout and strong backend he was in excellent condition standing on good feet, moved well pleased to award him Reserve Best Dog.
2nd Mr B & Mrs LP Inness , GRETTACS THE WIZARD Dark grizzle and tan dog another with lots to like excellent typey head with strong muzzle, good front shown in excellent double jacket with good pelt, nice carrot tail, shown and presented well, just preferred the length of body of 1
Minor Puppy Bitch 2(1absent)
1st Susan Spafford , BRACKENFELL JITTERBUG AT DASSETT - Sweet little grizzle and tan puppy bitch who was enjoying her day, nice for breed type very raw puppy just needs time to mature.
Puppy Bitch 5
1st Mr K McDowell, MCBROCK CHANTILLY CHATEAU Grizzle and tan puppy bitch with lots to like, feminine head but not overdone, good narrow front leading into good shoulders, nice length of body with good flat rib she was in good condition with super coat and excellent pelt moved soundly both ways, she is showing lots of promise please to award her Reserve Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Mr Ken Fraser & Mrs Tracy Butler, HOLDENELMS LADY ALICE VIA YCART Blue and tan puppy bitch another with lots to like, narrow throughout with good coat and pelt, showing promise although still very raw she was shown and handled well.
Junior 8(2absent)
1st P Brannan & M Kelly, BRANKELL DOUBLE OR QUITS Light grizzle and tan strong but feminine bitch , stunning head with good teeth and correct bite, good lay of shoulder with nice body lines, shown in good coat with excellent pelt in good condition she moved out well, pleased to award her Reserve Best Bitch.
2nd Andrea Dixon, OTTERPAWS FIREBIRD . Grizzle and tan bitch with much the same comments as 1st a close decision could easily change places on another day.
Novice Bitch 5 (3absent)
1st P Brannan & M Kelly, BRANKELL DOUBLE OR QUITS 1st in Junior bitch
2nd Render & James, CHORBECK GOSSIP GIRL AT BLACKMINE . Light grizzle bitch with nice otter head and good bite, good length of body with level topline shown in good coat.
Post Graduate Bitch 17(8)
1st Render, ELLEX DIZZIE MISS LIZZIE .Grizzle bitch who caught my eye as soon as she came into the ring and did not disappoint going over her, strong yet feminine with a super head and good big teeth with correct bite, good reach of neck leading into well laid shoulders, easily spanned, good length of body with a lovely outline, strong back end move true both ways, please to award her Best Bitch in Show.
2nd Mr R Wright, BORDERXPRESS MISS POTTER Another lovely grizzle bitch with much the same attributes as 1st I'm sure she will have her day.
Limit Bitch 8 ( 1 Absent)
1st Helen Bates, PEAKRUNNER FOLLOW MY DREAMS . Red bitch loved her for breed type lovely otter head, nice size although in good coat she would of benefitted a tidy up, moved around the ring well.
2nd Mrs Janet Dixon, FOXCRAIG MAGIC DIAMOND . Another lovely bitch of good type super feminine head with good teeth and correct bite, shown in excellent coat with super pelt, such a shame she looked a little fed up today.
Open Bitch 4 (1absent)
1st Miss K Johnston, CH BENATTIVO BEST BEST KARISON . Grizzle bitch another of lovely type a worthy champion of nice size, easily spanned, she has nice outline and shown in the best of coats with excellent pelt lovely carrot tail and in super condition, moved true.
2nd Mr B & Mrs LP Inness FOXCRAIG TOUCH OF MAGIC FOR DEXLIN Grizzle and tan bitch of smaller build than 1st she is lovely for breed type with stunning head she has good lay of shoulder shame she was lacking coat today, moved well.
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch 7(1absent)
1st Helen Bates, PEAKRUNNER FOLLOW MY DREAMS 1st Limit in Bitch
2nd Dixon - Foxcraig Magic Diamond
2nd in Limit Bitch
Veteran Dog or Bitch 6 (3absent)
1st Mr Ken Fraser & Mrs Tracy Butler, RAGATAM EQUALIZER VIA YCART 11 year old grizzle and tan what a grand old man one I have admired for years and delighted to finally get my hand on him, a good honest border showing the scars of his trade, this dog did not disappoint in anyway, still fit and spannable, shown in excellent coat and moved out well, Best Veteran in Show.
2nd R Brewster & J Green FOXFINDER BECKY 8 year old bitch not showing her age, in fit condition, easily spanned, moved out well both ways.
Stewart Golding (Beaconpike)

Yorks Lancs Ches BTC Open Show Saturday 30th January 2016
Judge: Mrs Tracey Butler (Ycart)
Dogs 70 (Plus 2 NFC) Entries 91Best in Show: Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin
Best Puppy in Show: Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
Best Opposite Sex in Show: Brumberhill Both Barrels
Reserve Best in Show: Brumberhill Both Barrels
Best Veteran in Show: Am Ch, Can Ch Sulan Fancy That
Best Dog: Brumberhill Both Barrels
Res Best Dog: Karison Kosta
Best Dog Pup: mySulan Going Solo
Best Bitch: Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin
Res Best Bitch: Bardenfox Pussy Galore
Best Bitch Pup: Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
Minor Puppy Dog:3
1: mySulan Going Solo
2: Chorbeck Chatty Man
3: Blaisdon Bow Brilliant
Puppy Dog: 2
1: Picer Fellemburg
2: McBrook Court Jester
Junior Dog: 2
1: Karison Kosta
2: Stowthorney Mr Tickle
Novice Dog: 2
1: Chorbeck Chatty Man
2: McBrook Court Jester
Post Grad Dog: 7-3
1: Dandyhow Friendly Fire at Chevinor
2: Breckgreen Soldier Blue
3: Derwenthow Basil Brightberry
res: Dymanti Roman Warrior at Notterg Sh CM
Limit Dog: 4 -1
1: Karison Keiser
2: Otterwood Caius JW Sh CM
3: Oxcroft Ritchie
Open Dog: 2 -1
1:Brumberhill Both Barrels
Minor Puppy Bitch: 7-2
1: Chorbeck Gossip Girl at Blackmine
2: Stineval Malizia
3: Hartswelin She's the One
res: Borderexpress Miss Parsley
vhc Chesterton Caboodle
Puppy Bitch:7 -0
1: McBrock Chantilly Chateau
2: Picer Flora Mcivor
3: Diggsad Dizzy Dizz Dora
res: Chorbeck Single Lady
vhc Brankell Double or Quits
Junior Bitch: 9 -2
1: Bardenfox Pussy Galore
2: Oxcroft Rosa
3: Byrewick Valentine
res: Otterwood Domina Candesco
vhc: Karison Kappuccino
Novice Bitch: 8 -1
1: Diggsad Dizzy Dizzy Dora
2: Borderexpress Miss Parsley
3: Chorbeck Single Lady
res: Brankell Double or Quits
vhc: Fairyard Bright Lady
Post Grad Bitch:16 -7
1: Sulan Strictly Blues Dancin
2: Byrewick Princess Kate
3: Picer Angelica Notterg Sh CM
res: Totherend Tickerty Blue
vhc Borderxpress Miss Potter
Limit Bitch: 5 -1
1: Akenside Calypso
2: McBrock Miss Ameila
3: Brumberhill Bollinger for Chesterton
res: Oxcroft Realdeal
Open Bitch: 3 -2
1: Picer Amiee Vilbert
Special Beginners dog/bitch: 9-3
1: Picer Angelica Notterg Sh CM
2: Foxcraig Magic Diamond
3: Wings of Speed at Otterpaw
res: Dymanti Roman Warrior at Notterg ShCM
vhc Fairyard Bright Beauty
Veteran Dog /Bitch: 3 -1
1: Am Ch, Can Ch Sulan Fancy That
2: Carrickfarm Mika Shcm
Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club 30th January 2016
I would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge their show,and for their hospitality throughout the day. I would also like to thank the exhibitors for their lovely entry,and their sportsmanship, whether you agreed with my decision or not. On the whole exhibits had good dentition,coats were varied,but evidence of good coat was there,temperaments were good. Sadly I found a few dogs that were pitifully thin,and would benefit from a good meal,and some free running exercise, some exhibits would benefit from a good tidy up & removal of dead coat,and please leave the clippers in the box.
Minor Puppy Dog - 3-0ab
1st - Baxter's - Sulan Going Solo Blue/tan,appealing head of good width,strong muzzle,and good under jaw,clean neck,into good shoulders,straight front,nice feet,flat rib carried well back,spans with ease. In good coat,with thick pelt,well muscled rear quarters,moves out well for one so young. BPD
2nd - Haughton's - Chorbeck Chatty Man Red/grizzle,similar to one,1st just scored on overall attitude for me.
3rd - Thomas's - Blaisdon Bow Brilliant
Puppy Dog -2-0ab
1st - Pickering's - Picer Fellemburg Nearly 12 mths,moderate head,with strength of muzzle,good dentition,straight narrow front,good length of loin,in double coat and thick pelt,moved ok
2nd - Mann & McFarlane's - Mcbrock Court Jester Not the head of one,eyes a little round for me,straight front,well padded feet,coat could be harsher,thick pelt,moves ok
Junior Dog 2-0ab
1st - Johnson's - Karison Kosta Strong headed dog,strength of muzzle,clean strong neck,straight front,flat rib,spans easily,strong loin,nice rear angulation,moves out well RBD
2nd - Brewster & Green's - Stowthorney Mr Tickle Not the head of one,good dentition,good coat and pelt,well muscled,moves ok.
Novice Dog 2-0ab
1st - Haughton's - Chorbeck Chatty Man 2nd in puppy dog
2nd - Mann & Mcfarlane's - Mcbrock Court Jester 2nd in puppy dog
Post Graduate Dog 7-3ab Hard class to judge,very mixed type.
1st - Metcalfe's - Dandyhow Friendly Fire At Chevinor Balanced head,clean neck,good feet,coat ready to blow,but still harsh,balanced front & rear,moves ok
2nd - Brewster & Green's - Breckgreen Soldier Blue Not the head of one,similar remarks apply,spans ok,thick pelt.
3rd - Robert's - Derwenthow Basil Brightberry
Limit Dog 4-1ab
1st - Johnson's - Karison Keiser Strong head,with good width,strong short muzzle,good dentition,clean neck and front,easily spanned,would prefer little more length of back,nice rear angulation,good coat,thick pelt,moves well
2nd - Hollingsbee's - Otterwood Caius JW Blue/tan,smaller dog right through than 1,narrow front,easily spanned,thick pelt,moves well
3rd - Price's - Oxcroft Ritchie
Open Dog - 2-1ab
1st - Mcpherson's - Brumberhill Both Barrells This dog stood alone,but a worthy winner,beautiful head,moderately broad,with good strong muzzle,good dentition,clean strong neck,straight narrow front,lovely tight well padded feet,easily spanned,ribbed well back,strong through the loin,tail set well on,lovely well muscled racy quarters,in excellent harsh double coat,and the thickest of pelts,moves out well from all angles once he settles,turned out to perfection. BD,BOS,RBIS
Minor Puppy Bitch - 7-2ab
1st - James - Render's - Chorbeck Gossip Girl At Blackmine Red/gizzle ,lovely feminine head of good width and strength of muzzle,good dentition,narrow front,well padded little feet,spans with ease,nice front and rear angulation,strong through the loin,tail set well on,in good harsh coat,and thick pelt,well muscled quarters,moves out well.BPB,BPIS
2nd - Horner's - Stineval Malizia Blue/tan just 6 months,beautiful head and expression,cleanest of outlines,narrow throughout,lovely bone and feet,good coat and pelt,moves like a little pro,will watch with interest her progress .RBPIS
3rd - Coleman's - Hartswelin She's The One
Puppy Bitch - 7 -0ab
1st - Mcdowell - Mcbrock Chantilly Chateau A lot to like about this bitch,good head of strength and width,clean body lines,narrow front,good bone and feet,harsh coat,thick pelt,moves well once settled
2nd -Pickering's - Picer Flora Mcivor Smaller bitch than one,similar remarks apply,good thick harsh coat and pelt,moves ok
3rd - Taylor's - Diggsad Dizzy Dizzy Dora
Junior Bitch - 9-2ab
1st - Moore's - Bardenfox Pussy Galore Liked this bitch for overall balance,pleasing head,neck,narrow front,strong loin of good length,well ribbed back,easily spanned,well muscled ,so sound on the move RBB
2nd - Price's - Oxcroft Rosa Pleasing bitch,with good head and strength of muzzle,straight narrow front,good bone,spans with ease,just not the coat and movement of 1.
3rd - Foulger's - Byrewick Valentine
Novice Bitch - 8 -2ab
1st - Taylor's - Diggsad Dizzy Dizzy Dora red bitch,with moderate head ,balanced throughout,moves ok
2nd - Wright's - Borderexpress Miss Parsley 4th in minor puppy bitch,I hope this bitch has done all her growing,not in the best of coat today,moves ok once settled.
3rd - Haughton's - Chorbeck Single Lady Post
Graduate Bitch - 16 - 7ab
1st - Baxter's - Sulan Strictly Blues Blue/tan,this bitch demands a look,feminine head moderately broad in skull,short strong muzzle,with good strength of under jaw,correct dentition,straight narrow front,good bone and tight well padded feet,clean neck into good shoulders,spans with ease,ribbed well back,strong well muscled loin and racy rear quarters,tail well set on,in good harsh coat and thick pelt,moves with drive from all angles. BB,BIS.
2nd - Foulger's - Byrewick Princess Kate Bigger bitch than one,pleasing to the eye for overall balance ,moves well.
3rd - Taylor's - Picer Angelica To Notterg
Limit Bitch - 5 - 1ab
1st - Gosling's - Akenside Calypso Not the biggest of bitches,but she certainly cant be overlooked,lovely head of good width,length proportions,lovely dark eyes,clean neck and narrow front,in the best of coats and thick pelt,well muscled right through,moves with ease.
2nd - Mann's - Mcbrock Miss Amelia Bigger bitch right through than one,good head,clean bodylines,good bone and feet,easily spanned,moves ok
3rd - Mooney's - Brumberhill Bollinger For Chesterton
Open Bitch - 3 -2ab
1st - Pickering's - Picer Aimee Vilbert Red bitch,good strength to head,strong short muzzle,good dentition,spans with ease,in excellent coat and thick pelt,well padded feet,moves ok
Special Beginners Dog Or Bitch - 9-4ab
1st - Taylor's - Picer Angelica To Notterg moderate head,good neck and shoulder,well boned,in good coat,moves ok
2nd - Dixon's - Foxcraig Magic Diamond similar to one,just not the finished picture as 1
Veteran Dog Or Bitch - 3-1ab
1st - Baxter's - INT AM CH & CAN CH Sulan Fancy That Red bitch of nearly 9years,wicked expression,feminine head,good proportions and angles front and rear,good coat and pelt,moves well .BV
2nd - Armstrong's - Carrickfarm Mika SH CM similar remarks as one,just smaller type,not as positive on the move.
Judge Tracy Butler